Category: Download
Download iNDS Emulator to Play Nintendo DS Games on iPhone
iNDS is a free game emulator allows you to play Nintendo DS games on jailbroken iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. We have introduced some free [Read More…]
Download Geekbench 3 for iOS Free in Limited Time
Geekbench is a popular cross-platform processor benchmark available for iOS, Android, Mac OS X, Windows, Linux and BlackBerry. Today Primate Labs offers Geekbench 3.4.0 for [Read More…]
iTouchSecure Tweak Lets iOS Users Enter Password Anywhere With Touch ID
Touch ID is a fingerprint-based encryption technology for secure authentication on iOS devices. However, so far, we can only use Touch ID to unlock or [Read More…]
How to Quickly Launch Apps from iOS Folder Using 3D Touch Actions
3D Touch is definitely a revolutionary interactive experience, it brings a brand new dimension in smart phone operating. I believe this will be a standard [Read More…]
Springtomize 3 Finally Updated for iOS 9 Jailbreak
Springtomize is a well-known and powerful jailbreak tweak for iOS, now it finally got an update to support iOS 9 jailbreak, Springtomize 3 allows users [Read More…]
Download Firefox Web Browser for iOS in App Store
Today, Mozilla officially launched Firefox for iOS with almost desktop-class experience. Firefox v1.1 for iOS includes many powerful features, including: SEARCH INTELLIGENTLY & GET THERE FASTER – Firefox anticipates your needs [Read More…]
How to Get Apple Watch Styled Notifications in iOS 9
If you are tired of the traditional style of notifications in iOS, then a new jailbreak tweak called ‘NCCards’ brings an Apple Watch styled notification [Read More…]
Eclipse 3 Brings a System-Wide Night Mode for iOS 9
Eclipse is a great cydia tweak for iOS, which allows users to enable night mode across the entire iOS, Now it’s developer released an important [Read More…]
WeatherBoard 2 for iOS 9 Updated With 80 Animated Weather Wallpapers
WeatherBoard is a great cydia tweak for iOS, which allows users to check the real-time weather conditions quickly on the iPhone’s Lock Screen, without unlock [Read More…]
Tactful Tweak Adds 3D Touch Support to Cydia Store
3D Touch is undoubtedly a very useful feature in the present, which further revolutionized the interactive experience. Although the feature only default support for iPhone [Read More…]