iTouchSecure Tweak Lets iOS Users Enter Password Anywhere With Touch ID

Touch ID is a fingerprint-based encryption technology for secure authentication on iOS devices. However, so far, we can only use Touch ID to unlock or purchase Apps in App Store. Apple did not design it applies to some common verification scenes. We still need to enter the password manually again and again, the process is both time consuming and outright annoying.

To improve this, a new jailbreak tweak ‘iTouchSecure’ appears, which lets you enter password on different sites and apps using Touch ID scan. This not only includes third-party apps like Facebook, but also the Safari browser. Support for Safari browser means you will be able to easily enter password on websites without actually typing them, using fingerprint scan.

As iTouchSecure tweak securely stores your passwords in iOS’s keychain feature, so it is relatively safe.

iTouchSecure Features

  • Autofill passwords everywhere
  • Authenticate with Touch ID for any UI Password entry
  • Authenticate with Touch ID for Safari Password Autofill (please enable Autofill in Safari settings)
  • Authenticate with Touch ID for Chrome Password Autofill (please enable Autofill in Chrome settings)
  • Authenticate with Touch ID for (any) in-browser Password entry
  • Stores passwords encrypted in local keychain like Apple does

iTouchSecure tweak for iOS 9 is now available at Cydia BigBoss Repo for $4.99. A special discount is available for those who have already purchased the tweak for previous versions of iOS.

Once you installed this tweak on your iOS device, it will automatically saves the password for any new service once you have entered it manually for the first time. then whenever you can enter the password using your fingerprint, you will see a fingerprint image next to the password field. If no password is saved for an app or website’s login, then you will see a yellow rectangle around the typing area.

You first need to enable autofill from Safari’s settings if you want to use iTouchSecure in Safari. Once you have done that you will be able to authenticate on sites. In addition to Safari you can also use iTouchSecure in third-party browsers like Chrome.

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