Category: Apps
Facebook for iOS Updated With Support for 3D Touch and WhatsApp Soon
3D Touch is undoubtedly a revolution in mobile phone operations, it brings a brand new interactive way. I believe that many competitors would have begun [Read More…]
How to Watch Youtube Video in Chrome Likes iPad’s Picture in Picture Feature
The most useful multitasking feature added into iOS 9 is the Picture in Picture, which allows users to watch a video while they work on [Read More…]
YouTube for iOS Ushered an Update With the Much-anticipated Material Design
This Monday, YouTube application for iOS ushered an update by Google with the much-anticipated material design look and feel that Android devices have had for [Read More…]
Google Maps for Apple Watch Finally Released
Today, Google brings an important update for their Maps app in iTunes Store. Addition to various bug fixes and the stability and usability improvements, new [Read More…]
Pixelmator 2.1 for iOS Updated With Split View and Slide Over Support
Today, Pixelmator for iOS ushered an important update, in addition with the support for iOS 9, its iPad version also supports split-screen multitasking. iPad mini [Read More…]
How to Perfectly Transfer All Data from Android to iOS Device
Yesterday, Apple released iOS 9 to public with massive of new features and improvements, new version is indeed greatly changed the user experience in iPhone [Read More…]