Meteor Tweak Adds Live Weather Information to App’s icon and Status Bar

We all know that the stock Clock app on iOS is the only one shows the time with animation on its icon, but Apple did not add more ‘live’ icons to the homescreen in the latest firmware updates. Many people look forward to the icon of Weather app can live to show the dynamic weather conditions without having to launch the app.

Meteor is a new jailbreak just to satisfy your needs If your iPhone is jailbroken. It adds the current temperature as well as weather condition right on the homescreen icon of the Weather app.


In addition to putting temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit, the Meteor tweak also shows the weather condition by displaying a snow, cloud, cloud and sun icon. The tweak replaces the condition image and the temperature with a smooth animation. That’s not all as the hack also replaces the icon label for the Weather app with the current weather condition, so your Weather app icon might say ‘Mostly Cloudy’ or ‘Snow’ instead of just showing the app’s name, which is pretty cool.

Here’s a list of features that Meteor provides:

• Live weather details in weather application icon, with animated transition between temperature and condition changes.
• Replace weather application icon text with current condition.
• Enable/Disable custom icon or status-bar icons (or both).
• Temperature status-bar icon with optional temperature unit display.
• Weather condition glyph status-bar icon.
• Customize status-bar icon positions (left/right).
• Customizable refresh delay.
• Ability to use local weather (this requires that the Weather app is able to access location services).
• Celsius and Fahrenheit support.

Meteor tweak is available for $1.99 on Cydia’s BigBoss repo and supports iOS 9 devices. After insatllation, the tweak adds several customization options in Settings app, including the ability for users to change refresh rate of the weather report, make the tweak display local weather based on location, change from Celsius to Fahrenheit and more.


You do not need to worry about Meteor will effect your iPhone’s battery life, he developer claims that it is very minimal. Based on his tests, the battery drained 4-5% over an interval of 8 hours with the refresh rate set to 30 minutes.

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