john mcafee

John McAfee Claims iPhone Can be Cracked in Just Three Weeks

john mcafee
Little things often is hugely magnified when it occurs in Apple, recently, a controversial thing created a hubbub that the US Federal Court to force Apple to assist the FBI to unlock the prisoner’s iPhone 5c in San Bernardino, Calif., but Apple has refused to assist, arguing that maybe it’s not a good thing for the government to have a backdoor into every iPhone. It seems we’re at an impasse. But wait, who’s this? It’s cybersecurity legend and psychedelic drug enthusiast John McAfee!

John McAfee, a legendary veteran hacker said to FBI through Tech Insider that he believes that he and his team can crack this iPhone in three weeks, through social engineering technology, without Apple to provide a new iOS firmware built-in backdoor.

John McAfee hopes FBI be able to accept his offer, and give up asking Apple to implant backdoors into their products, he is willing to provide a free assistance if FBI approval. Meanwhile John McAfee criticized, if the government “succeed” in this time, that will be the beginning of a dangerous, the future for all encryption programs are likely to be preset back door, then “our world will be ruined.”

McAfee is unimpressed, and claims that if the FBI had any “true hackers” in its employ, it would have opened the phone already. Conveniently, McAfee claims to have several such people working for him.

“With all due respect to Tim Cook and Apple, I work with a team of the best hackers on the planet,” he writes. “These hackers attend Defcon in Las Vegas, and they are legends in their local hacking groups, such as HackMiami. They are all prodigies, with talents that defy normal human comprehension. About 75% are social engineers. The remainder are hardcore coders.”

John McAfee said that despite the FBI claims will protect the backdoor, but “we all know that this is impossible, as long as the US government sets a precedent, then later will exist bad apple everywhere. John McAfee is being run for the Liberal Party presidential candidate, this matter not only reflects himself attach great importance to personal privacy and network security issues, can be seen as an increase in the election chips.

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