iPhone 6s VS iPhone 6: 2GB RAM Makes a Significant Performance Boost

Enjoy popular confidence, Apple finally upgraded the RAM on iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus to 2GB, this twice capacity increase can bring how much performance boost? Look at the following comparison.

The well-known tech blog iDownLoader did a comparison test using iPhone 6s and iPhone 6, the test program is open the same number of pages in Safari browsere, then switch between these pages.


You can see in the video, the opened pages up to more than ten, and which contain a lot of image contents, apparently open these pages need to consume a lot of memory space. iPhone 6’s 1GB RAM is relatively loading hard, and the Page overview screen will be slightly stuck, worse isneed to reload again when switching pages.

However, these heavy-duty work accomplished more easily on iPhone 6s, all pages did not occur the reload situation, and each page is very smooth, apparently this thanks to a larger RAM support, able to retain more process in the background.

Below is another video, posted by YouTube user Mad Matt TV, shows a side-by-side speed test demonstration of the iPhone 6 Plus and the iPhone 6s Plus. The speed test demonstration includes many of the details you’d expect, such as proof of software type and device type, a boot-up test, application-launching tests, and more.

The testing shows that the iPhone 6 Plus and iPhone 6s Plus take about the same amount of time boot up from a complete shut-down, but in terms of application launching speed, the iPhone 6s Plus’ upgraded A9 CPU and 2GB of RAM are able to process and load applications much faster than the older iPhone 6 Plus with its A8 CPU and 1GB of RAM.

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