Gravitation Tweak Adds Gravity to iPhone Springboard

Gravitation is a brand new iOS 9 cydia tweak that has the ability to add gravity to your iPhone’s Home screen, gives the quality to all app icons on the springboard. Gravitation similar to the previous Graviboard tweak, once you installed it, simply set the Activator gesture or shake iPhone to make devices into the “gravity” state.

If you would like to own a more cool iPhone home screen, Gravitation is a great choice, the tweak now available at Cydia BigBoss Repo for $1.99. Once Gravitation is downloaded and installed, you can venture over to the stock Settings app to configure the tweak’s preferences. Settings include a section for establishing an Activator gesture, and a toggle for enabling or disabling the tweak.


Additionally, the tweak also comes with many special effects, you’ll find toggles for enabling app launching, exploding animations, and hiding labels. There’s also a toggle for using the iPhone’s accelerometer to influence gravity, and sliders for adjusting gravity, bounciness, and friction.

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