Download and Install NitoTV 1.0 for Jailbroken Apple TV 4

Last month, Pangu team released jailbreak for Apple TV 4 running on tvOS 9.0 – tvOS 9.0.1, that allows users install some cracked apps on the jailbroken device.

Course there is no Cydia Store for the Apple TV, so to install some third-party apps and add-ons on your jailbroken device, you will need install ‘nitoTV’ in tvOS, which is an App Store alternative for the Apple TV allows you to install unauthorized apps.

nitoTV developed by Kevin Bradley few years ago, which ushered an update that supports the latest jailbreak. So in this post, we’ll show you how to install nitoTV on your jailbroken Apple TV.

How to:

Setp#1 Jailbreak your Apple TV 4 using our step-by-step guide, then navigate to the “Settings” tab.

Setp#2 Select the “General” settings menu.

Setp#3 Click on the “About” menu option.

Setp#4 You’ll now want to take note of the “IP Address” listed on the page, write it down because you’ll need it shortly.

Setp#5 Launch “Finder” on your Computer at this point.

Setp#6 Select the “Applications” tab on the left side of the Finder window.

Setp#7 You’ll now want to open the “Utilities” folder on the right side of the window.

Setp#8 Launch the “” application.

Setp#9 You’ll now want to input the following command in your Terminal window in order to connect to your Apple TV 4 device. Once you’ve entered the command, Press the “Enter” button on your keyboard.

Replace the “<Apple TV IP Address>” placeholder below with your device’s IP Address, which you should have marked down in “Step 4” of this guide.

ssh root@<Apple TV IP Address>

Setp#10 If prompted to confirm that you wish to continue connecting, simply Input the word “yes” (without quotations) then Press the Enter button.

Setp#11 When prompted for a “password”, type the following password, then Press the “Enter” button on your keyboard. If you’ve already changed your device’s root password, use your new one instead.


If you’ve already changed your device’s root password, Skip to “Step 15” of this guide at this point.

Setp#12 Input the following command in your Terminal window in order to change your device’s root password. Once you’ve entered the command, Press the “Enter” button on your keyboard.


Setp#13 When prompted to enter a “New password” go ahead and Input your desired root password, then Press the “Enter” button on your keyboard.

Please Note: Be sure to use something that you’ll remember, because if you forget it you’ll be locked out of your device.

Setp#14 Input your new password again when prompted to “Retype new password” then once again Press the “Enter” button on your keyboard.

Setp#15 Input the following commands one by one in your Terminal window in order install the nitoTV app. After inputting each command, Press the “Enter” button on your keyboard.


chmod +x


Setp#16 You’ll now want to input the following command to end the terminal session, then Press the “Enter” button on your keyboard.


Done, nitoTV already installed on your Apple TV 4!

Kodi is probably the one package you’re most familiar with. Up until now, you could easily sideload Kodi on your Apple TV, but installing it via nitoTV is definitely an easier process. You can simply find Kodi in the ‘Featured Packages’ of nitoTV app, if not found, just click on the ‘Block Update’ to refresh the packages list

Also available via nitoTV are a custom YouTube browser called tuyu, emulators Mame and Provenance, a web browser, a Popcorn Time client, and a game of Pong.


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  1. 1

    Thanks for the easy tutorial. I’m encountering a major issue though: The apps like PopcornTime, Kodi, etc I’ve sideloaded via Xcode with free dev account have expired after 7 days. I was going to resign them to get them running again, however the iTunes can’t seem to recognize my Apple TV. This is apparently a known issue that iTunes won’t detect a connected Apple TV 4 after a jailbreak. I’ve searched online only to find that everyone is having the same issue after a jailbreak and no fix has been shared so far. Others suggest to put the Apple TV on DFU mode (the only way to make iTunes recognize the device) however, I’m afraid I won’t be able to get out of DFU mode and be left with an only option to restore/update to an unjailbreakable tvOs. It’s not clear whether sideloading apps is possible while the device is on DFU mode. I don’t want to take a chance as this Apple TV is running fine as is (jailbroken). Do you by any chance have any solution for this? Thanks!

  2. 2

    nitoTV featured packages are obsolete as of 5-16-2016 latest version. PopcornTime is still on 1.4.3 as opposed to the current 6.3. And other apps as well. Is there any way to get those featured packages updated?

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