Apple TV 4’s New Ad ‘Father Time’

On Sunday, Apple released a new ad for the fourth generation of AppleTV, and continued the previous ad “The Kiss”, which released last month starring Alison Brie. However, the new ad on Sunday starred by the NBA Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant and actor Michael · B · Jordan, which introduced the story when two people using Apple TV and Siri Remote.

New ad called “FatherTime”, describes a series of behaviors when they using Siri Remote, content playback, find out more, etc.. For example, “Siri, fast-forward to a half an hour later”, “Siri, open the NBA app.” Slogan says: “The new Apple TV Siri voice assistant and related applications allows you to more easily find and enjoy the content you want to find than ever before.”

Apparently Apple is continuing to highlight Apple TV is the “Future TV” in this new ad. Since Apple TV on sale last year, Apple has been emphasizing this theme. Color bar at the end of the video also used in the previous ad, billboards with such a color bar also appears in New York, Los Angeles and other US cities.

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