7 New Ads for Apple Watch: Chase, Row, Golf, Rain, Find, Surprise and Swap

In recent years, Apple began to use more and more superstars in their product advertising, such as Taylor Swift, Kobe Bryant, and even Cookie Monster, which is different from most previous ads with ‘civilian style’, and this trend has continued into today’s Apple Watch ads.

Today Apple launched seven short video ads for the Apple Watch, each ad has been highlighted a feature or characteristic that user wants to find or expect on the Watch. The three main advertising “Golf”, “Chase” and “Row” focused on introducing health and fitness features on the Apple Watch. It is worth mentioning that, the ad “Chase” appeared a well-known artist ‘Nick Jonas’.

apple watch ad

Other three focus on feature presentation, “Rain” shows how the third-party app ‘Dark Sky’ let the wearer know when it will rain, “Find” to guide the user how to use the Apple Watch to quickly find the nearby iPhone, “Surprise” will show how close intelligent light through the Watch.

The last one advertising “Swap” mainly publicized Apple Watch bands through constantly replace, to help users find the most suitable one.

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