miniTime Tweak Updated With Two New Time Formats

miniTime tweak allows you to change the size of iOS Lock screen clock to more comfortable viewing, it offers two different styles “Simple Style” and “MIUI Style” for you to shrink and reposition the clock size. You can also select the text colors in Settings by yourself. Besides, customize the other elements on your lock screen is also an important part of this tweaks.

Today miniTime ushered a major update with two new time formats and fixed a fix bug that MIUI style default date color is not the same as time.

What’s new in miniTime 1.1-6

1. Change date format link symbol “-” to “.”.
2. Add change military founction to MIUI System.
3. Add two kind of new date format for MIUI Style besides of your device language is Chinese.
4. I do some wanderful things on date of MIUI Style.go ahead, pleased.
5. Suit Spanish for UI of Preferences.

Some little suprise in subheader.

miniTime tweak is now available at Cydia’s BigBoss repo for free. After installing it on your jailbroken device, a new preferences pane is added to the Settings app where you can configure its options to your liking:


Once you make the changes, it is important to respring your device for the new settings to be applied. There is a ‘Respring & Apply’ button at the bottom of the pane that lets you apply the new configuration.

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