Macbook Not Waking From Sleep When Booted into Windows 10

Recently, some users reported that their 13-inch MacBook Pro sleep mode will not wake when booted into Windows 10, clicking the sleep will directly cause a shutdown, and accompanied by a long black screen when restarting. Let’s analyze the cause of the problem and find a solution.


The Reason:

1. Since the MacBook configuration is different from the Windows laptop, so using Boot Camp to install a hardware driver for Mac is the safest choice. Install the driver through other software may occur various issues.

2. The automatically system updates of Windows 10 often includes a driver update, this will lead to MacBook drivers also be forced to update, that may cause Macbook not waking from sleep or black screen for about 30 seconds when boot the device.

So the root causes of these issues may be wrong hardware drivers, we need to troubleshoot and uninstall the driver update.

Method one, reinstall Windows 10 system, and ruled out driver updates before the system update starting.

You need to disable the network immediately after installing Windows 10 using Boot Camp, while disable the Windows Update service, then connect to the network.

  1. Download ‘Wushowhide’ software
  2. Open the Windows Update service
  3. Open wushowhide to start exclude (or hide) driver updates, specifically check the updates with such “intel driver update”, “graphcis” words (discrete graphics may have to exclude updates with Nvidia, AMD), other updates can not be ruled out.

Open the Settings – Update, check for updates, check whether the driver update been ruled out, if still have driver updates, then disable the Windows Update service, delete all files located in C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download. Then start the Windows Update service, check for updates again.

Second method, uninstall the driver update patch, reinstall Bootcamp, then exclude driver updates (to prevent the driver automatically update later).

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