‘The Jungle Book’ is a classic Disney animated film by the Walt Disney produced and distributed in 1967, this year, The Jungle Book has been re-produced as a fantasy action-adventure movie, which tells the story of a wolf rescued a baby from the jaws of death, named Mowgli and brought him grow.
If you are very fond of such a fantasy adventure story, and like animals, beautiful natural landscapes in which, then you may also like these wallpapers below cropped from the movie ‘The Jungle Book’ 2016 and willing to set them as your iPhone wallpaper.
Download The Jungle Book 2016 Movie HD Wallpapers
How to Save The Jungle Book Wallpapers on iPhone
- Tap “Safari” on the home screen of the device.
- Navigate this page on your mobile device.
- Press and hold your finger to the photo you want to save to the device until a screen opens.
- Select “Save Image” from the choices on the screen. You are returned to the Web page.
- Press the “Home” button to return to the home screen of your mobile device. Tap the “Photos” icon.
- Click “Camera Roll” to open the album and reveal the photos inside. The wallpaper you just saved from Applelives is in the album.
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