iPhone 7 Plus to Feature Dual-Lens Camera

When Apple first launched the big screen phone – iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, the difference between them is not very clear: large-screen version has optical image stabilization feature, the small screen version does not. Little difference compared to the features, the screen size is the only difference people found between these two phones.

Recently, the industry widely rumored Apple’s next generation iPhone will have a big screen and the small screen models, the big one will have dual rear camera, supports optical zoom, while the small screen of the iPhone 7 will not have. Today, the latest news shows many Dual-Lens camera manufacturers have submitted the camera samples to Apple for testing.

If the optical image stabilization function continues to support only Plus version, which means that, iPhone 7 Plus will have two changes are not present in the small screen version, this will widen the gap and prompts the user to make a choice, buy a Plus version to get better shooting effect or choose a cheaper one to save some money.


Image stabilization technology is often used in low-light conditions when the ambient light is not enough, the phone’s sensors to enable longer and this time, your hand’s little movements are likely to cause the image to blur, this time we We need image stabilization, which is able to detect the user’s movement of the hand, and then make up.

Small screen version of the iPhone is no optical stabilization technology, which uses digital image stabilization technology.

The dual-lens model is based on technology from LinX, an Israeli company acquired by Apple last year. LinX had successfully developed miniature multi-aperture cameras designed for mobile devices. The camera modules are nearly half the height of a standard mobile camera and are capable of creating stunning color images and high accuracy depth maps.

Kuo says Apple could use the LinX Imaging algorithm to bring a 2-3x optical zoom function to the iPhone 7 Plus while sidestepping the traditional bottlenecks associated with compact camera module (CCM) assembly.

At this point it’s not clear whether Apple is just prototyping two versions of the iPhone 7 Plus or whether the company plans to release both the single lens and dual-lens versions. Perhaps the dual-lens could be an upgrade option, similar to opting for Cellular on the iPad.


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