iOS 9.1 Public Beta 3 Now Available for Download

Together with the iOS 9.0.2 release, the company also seeded the third beta version of iOS 9.1 (build number: 13B5130b) to developers. Like the two previous builds, iOS 9.1 beta 3 continues to focus on improvements to the mobile operating system, the new beta comes with a handful of new emoji and, as of the last beta, an option for disabling contact photos in the Messages app.

Developers and public beta users can download the software update (with a build number of 13B5130b) over-the-air now. Developers also have the option of getting it from the Apple Developer Center.

The release notes for iOS 9.1 beta 3 don’t mention any major new additions, but it does include a long list of bug fixes that have been added for iCloud Keychain, Podcasts, Restore, Siri and more.

iOS 9.1 Release Notes

iOS SDK Release Notes for iOS 9.1 Beta 3

This is a preliminary document for an API or technology in development. Apple is supplying this information to help you plan for the adoption of the technologies and programming interfaces described herein for use on Apple-branded products. This information is subject to change, and software implemented according to this document should be tested with final operating system software and final documentation. Newer versions of this document may be provided with futurebetas of the API or technology.

Bug Reporting
Autosubmission of Diagnostic and Usage Data
Notes and Known Issues
iOS SDK 9.1 beta 3 provides support for developing iOS apps. It is packaged with a complete set of Xcode tools, compilers, and frameworks for creating apps for iOS and OS X. These tools include the Xcode IDE and the Instruments analysis tool, among many others.

With this software you can develop apps for iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch running iOS 9. You can also test your apps using the included Simulator, which supports iOS 9. iOS SDK 9.1 requires a Mac computer running OS X v10.10.3 (Yosemite) or later.

This version of iOS is intended for installation only on devices registered with the Apple Developer Program. Attempting to install this version of iOS in an unauthorized manner could put your device in an unusable state.

For more information and additional support resources, visit

Bug Reporting
For issues not mentioned in the Notes and Known Issues section, please file bugs through the Apple Developer website ( Additionally, you may discuss these issues and iOS SDK 9.1 in the Apple Developer Forums: To get more information about iCloud for Developers, go to

Autosubmission of Diagnostic and Usage Data
By default, the iOS 9.1 beta automatically sends anonymous diagnostic and usage data back to Apple. This includes information about crashes, freezes, kernel panics, and information about how you use Apple and third-party software, hardware, and services. This information is used to help Apple improve the quality and performance of its products and services. You can stop autosubmission of diagnostics and usage data by going to Settings > Privacy > Diagnostics and Usage > Don’t Send.

Notes and Known Issues
Apple ID
Known Issue
If you sign in with different Apple IDs for iCloud and iTunes during Setup Assistant, it may hang.

Workaround: Do not use different Apple IDs for iCloud and iTunes during Setup Assistant. After setup, sign in by going to Settings > App and iTunes Stores.

iCloud Keychain
During the iOS 9.1 beta, iCloud Keychain accounts with two-factor authentication enabled will use beta servers. If you do not want your iCloud Keychain data stored on beta servers, do not use the beta software.

Fixed in Beta 3
If you disable two-factor authentication on your iCloud account, your iCloud Keychain may also get turned off.
Workaround: Confirm that iCloud Keychain is still on in Settings after disabling two-factor authentication.

When activating iCloud Keychain in Settings on iPad, you may be unable to complete the activation.
Known Issue
Sometimes while setting up iCloud Keychain, you receive a “Could Not Set Up iCloud Keychain” error.

Workaround: Reboot the device.

For tvOS Metal development, it is required that you use the tvOS-specific feature set enum MTLFeatureSet_TVOS_GPUFamily1_v1.

Known Issue
If your app gets the gesture recognizer from the PHLivePhotoView object (via playbackGestureRecognizer) to install it on a different view, subsequently setting a new value for livePhoto on the PHLivePhotoView object causes it to reinstall the gesture recognizer on itself.

Workaround: Your app can get the gesture recognizer and reinstall it on the appropriate view every time after setting a value for livePhoto.

Fixed in Beta 3
The sleep timer does not work in this beta.

Fixed in Beta 3
If you’ve set a region that doesn’t match your language, restores from iCloud Backup might not progress.

Workaround: During restore, change your region to match your language. You can change it back after the restore is over.

Known Issue
Sometimes while restoring from iCloud backup, you will not see your list of backups, if you have two-factor authentication enabled on your iCloud account.

Known Issue
Settings may become unresponsive after signing into an iMessage or FaceTime account.

Workaround: Quit Settings from the App Switcher.

Known Issue
When asking Siri to play music, Siri will return an error but will still play back the music requested.

On 3D Touch capable devices, touch pressure changes cause touchesMoved:withEvent: to be called for all apps running on iOS 9.0. When running iOS 9.1, the method is called only for apps linked with the iOS 9.0 (or later) SDK.

Apps should be prepared to receive touch move events with no change in the x/y coordinates.

New beta also includes three planet wallpapers. One other built-in wallpaper has also gotten a makeover.

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