Game Center Not Working and Freezing Finally been Fixed in iOS 9.3.2

Recently, many users complained the Game Center app in iOS 9 always freezing, unresponsive and even not working? Actually this app really is not so easy to use, I rarely use it. But this issue has been affecting other users since iOS 8, especially those who like player mobile games.

The issue occurs whenever the user opens the iOS Game Center, their device will into a so-called “white screen of death” and remaining entirely unusable. This undoubtedly caused great distress for these players, because they often need to use Game Center to view the game achievements and progress.

Last week, Apple released the first beta of iOS 9.3.2 to developers and public testers, which brings a significant fix that Apple seems to finally solved the problem of Game Center.

Those affected users will have to wait until Apple officially released iOS 9.3.2, unless you want to install a beta version on your device.

Course if you insist to do that, you’d better save a backup of your data now, you would be restoring an image of your iOS device as it is today, meaning everything that occurs after you install the iOS beta would be missing. In the meantime, there is a possible solution to fixing the Game Center crashing problem with this trick below:

  1. Closed all your open apps
  2. Put your iPhone or iPad into Airplane mode
  3. After this, hold down the physical lock and home buttons to turn your device off, then press them again to turn the iPhone or iPad back on.
  4. When the device has powered back on, navigate to the Settings app again and scroll down to the Game Center menu option. It should be sixth cluster down.
  5. Sign out of Game Center by pressing on your Apple ID, before turning off Airplane mode and then turning on your Wi-Fi.
  6. Finally, log back into Game Center, and open up a mobile game.

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  1. 1

    The new update does NOT fix the Game Center issue, in fact I use to be able to get it to work sporadically but now it does not work at all. You would think after a year of issues Apple could get their act together.

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