iPhone SE 64GB Price in India is Rs 49,000, More Expensive Than iPhone 6s

A few days ago, we compared the iPhone SE prices on a global scale, where the most expensive area is India, the 16GB model was priced at Rs 39,000, about $585, which much higher than other countries and regions.

iPhone SE price in india

Today, Apple India’s official website has confirmed that the 64GB iPhone SE priced at Rs 49,000, about $735, which even higher than the price of iPhone 6s 16GB sold in India, Rs 43,699.

Obviously, this official price is really too high, so we expect third party retailers to offer the handset for even cheaper once the handset becomes freely available in the country.

According to local media reports, iPhone SE will be on sale in early April in the Indian market, which means that India will be included in the list of the second batch. iPhone SE itself price does not expensive, the United States only $399, the Hong Kong version only start from $449.

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