MetaMorph 1.8.1-2

Forums Jailbreak & Hack Forums MetaMorph 1.8.1-2

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  • #28009
    Avatar for applelives

    MetaMorph allows yout o customize iOS springboard at your own style.

    News in v1.8.1-2

    Changes / New in MetaMorph 1.8.1

    – Springboard goes into safe mode with InfinyDock!!!!

    – Internal changes
    – Code cleaned

    – Fixed bug with close box in Dock icons not showing in the right place
    – Semi-Fixed bug with badges in Dock icons not showing in the right place (now it can be used…)
    – Semi-Fixed bug where sometimes CallConnect doesn´t work
    – Fixed bug where Icons preview on folders are not same as selected

    – Added option to strech dock background
    – Added custom Dock background alpha
    – Added custom X and Y folder icons

    – New bug found when Dock icon size and Ripple Launch apps are enabled. The ripple is not centered inside dock. Trying to fix it as soon as possible.
    – New bug found when Dock icon size, Rounded Icons and Ripple Launch apps are enabled. The ripple is not centered inside folders. Trying to fix it as soon as possible.
    Changes / New in MetaMorph 1.8

    – Springboard goes into safe mode with InfinyDock!!!!

    – Internal changes
    – Changed way to resize dock icons (Before this release, the resize applies to all dock view, including background)
    – Changed Dock icons size slider to predefined options
    – Code cleaned

    – Fixed Dock BG bug where it resizes as the icons
    – Fixed Dock icons animations when they zooming to the app.

    – Added option to hide dock icon labels (by request)
    – Added custom folder icons (2×2, 3×3, 4×4, 5×5) (by request)

    – New bug found when Dock icon size and Ripple Launch apps are enabled. The ripple is not centered. Trying to fix it as soon as possible.

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