MeSNEmu is a game emulator created by Lucas Mendes Menge that offers Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) to iOS users, this package also includes the Super Famicom (based on SNES9X) as well.
How to download and install MeSNEmu
Method 1
How to Build MeSNEmu using Xcode
Step 1: Download the source code from Github
Step 2: Launch Xcode on your Mac OS X and open MeSNEmu.xcodeproj
Step 3: Under Build Settings, look for Code Signing Identity and change it to your own
Step 4: Select your iPhone or iPad in the Scheme selector
Step 5: Choose Product > Profile > Deploy
When done, open the emulator, and you should see nothing except for a header and the Settings button on the top right-hand corner. Before you do anything, look for ROMs online and use iTunes to install it.
Method 2
On your iPhone, open up the Safari browser
Go to this website:
Tap on the Install button and confirm again