Depressed Stock Price May Lead to Apple into a Services Company

Something that was to be expected after the publication of “apple” by a failure of quarterly reporting. Against the background of the fact that for the first time in 13 years, the company’s revenue fell from the Cupertino, its shares have experienced a record drop in 2013. This drop was just 11%, and now Apple is one event only costs 93.7 dollars. Naturally, this greatly affected the capitalization of the company: the main component of its cost – is traded on the stock exchange securities.

A considerable role in such a rapid fall was played from a known person in the US stock market – Carl Icahn. For three years he owned package of 45.8 million shares of the company from Cupertino, however, after the publication of the report on the financial results of the first quarter of 2015, announced that they sold every one. Naturally, the release to the market of such number of shares in itself brought down their cost, and after Ike example was followed by many other investors.

But Icahn argues that sold shares in February, already expecting such a turn of events.

In any case, Apple now is not the easiest times. Tim Cook acknowledged right: the smart phone market is saturated, and more promises of this earnings growth as before. Perhaps, Apple will have to find new ways to ensure yourself a high income. For example – to develop online services, or the market of “smart” hours.

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