How to search a special iOS App in Google Search

Forums App and Accessory Review How to search a special iOS App in Google Search

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  • #28006
    Avatar for applelives

    Open, then tap “Apps” tab below the search bar, simply typing the keyword in the search bar to find iOS apps.

    Then from the tab bar that also lists items like news, images etc click on the ‘More’ button and then select ‘Apps’. For some users the apps tab might appear right on the main bar, in which case you don’t have to go into More section.

    Once you have selected apps tab, you will immediately get app search results for you query. The results will also include Android apps. To filter the search results and only show iOS apps, simply click on the ‘Search tools’ button and then change ‘Any OS’ to ‘iOS’.

    Now the search results will update and you will only see apps that are compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Clicking on the link will take you to the web version of the app description page, simply click on ‘View in iTunes’ button to download it.

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