LEGO® Jurassic World ™ 1.0 Takes You to Experience the Most Complete Jurassic World

Jurassic World is one of the classic Hollywood movie history, this sci-fi film with the dinosaur theme entirely influenced a generation people. The first film of “Jurassic Park” series by the famous director Steven Spielberg, Universal Studios produced in 1993, which adapted from Michael Crichton’s novel, published in 1990, the film caused a sensation since the launch, which should also be the first time I saw such a lifelike dinosaurs on the screen, it’s 3D effects are very advanced at that time. And 23 years passed, now the series has launched four works.

This week the famous toy manufacturer Lego launched its new work “Lego Jurassic World” in the Apple store, brings a different game experience for the fans and players. Lego also launched a variety of games related to the film, course including Lego’s own films, the game kept the original plot of the film, just replace characters and scenes become Lego style, and players will experience the fun of Lego when experience the story. LEGO® Jurassic World ™ also heritage of these elements, I believe it will be very interesting to you.


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